Technical & Fundamental Analysis

Technical & Fundamental Analysis

Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is a tool which traders refer to analyse the price ebb and flow of stocks. This is a detailed study to understand in detail the swing, progress and trends in prices and entails deep analysis of charts to come to the conclusion of a particular pattern or trend.

Technical traders use the technical analysis feature in their trade to the maximum and could be summarized as –It is all in the charts. This analysis is a good option to understand completelty the market data shown in the price.

Value performance is all one has to trade as the value displays the complete information. If a particular price is averted as a vital support or resistance level in the past, Forex traders will focus their attention on it and base their trades around that historical price level.

The role of a skillful technical analyst is to utilize charts all the time as they are the most efficient and easiest way to conceive historial data. As technical analysts are fully into charts all the time they are also sometimes called as chartists. It is very easy to refer to past data with the help of charts to spot the specific trend and pattern of the stock which can help in charting out some wonderful trading opportunities.

Technical analysis is a very subjective phenomenon and is more about a probability than a specific correct prediction, so it is equally essential to take the adequate precaution before trading.

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis makes its analysis based on the economic data, reports, latest economic news headlines and opinions from world market leaders. This is more to do with understanding and analyzing the socio, political and economical forces which can affect currency variations. If any economy has a good growth rate, leading to higher interest rates, then it makes the financial assets more interesting to trade. Micro and macro economics and geopolitics of a nation has a tremendous effect on the potential moves of a currency through the strength or the weakness of the country’s economic standing which is a great measure for apt fundamental analysis.